Dress Code

Mansion - Jackets for men are required to be seated in the two main dining rooms on Friday and Saturday. The terraces and Mansion bar will be available for those without jackets. Ties are not required but collard shirts are. At all times dress is Business and Country Club casual in the Mansion.
There will never be a place in the Mansion for sports jerseys, sweatpants, yoga pants,tee shirts, ripped jeans, hats etc. This holds true for our guests and family, children included.

Harbor Grill - Dress in the Grill may be casual and informal. Shorts, boating attire, jogging, tennis outfits, upscale denim, sneakers and t-shirts are appropriate.  Bathing suit cover-ups and footwear are required.  Wet swimsuits are not allowed.

Pool and Pool Deck - Swimwear must be appropriate and consistent with community standards.

Fitness Center - Appropriate athletic attire, including shirts, are required.